Most everyone has goals. And even if you don`t have them clearly defined and written down (if that`s you, why not?), you likely have some sense of where you want to go.
If you have neither, this article isn`t really for you. But if either of the first two things is true for you then this article is absolutely for you; because if you have goals, I`m guessing you`d like to reach them faster.
The sole purpose of setting a goal is reaching the goal, and in most instances, getting to the goal faster would be a good thing! It doesn`t matter if you are behind on your goal plan (or the deadline is coming up quickly), if you are overwhelmed by the amount you have to do, or whatever your reason is for wanting to "pick up the pace", the four actions that follow will accelerate your progress and move you towards your goals faster.
1. Remind Yourself Why
You set the goal for a reason. There is some purpose or series of benefits that will come to you when the goal is reached. You know what these reasons are, right? If you don`t, stop here and determine them before you do anything else.
Here are some examples.
Your goal is to lose weight so you will have more energy, feel better about yourself or attract a mate (or wow them at your class reunion). Your goal is to complete the project on time in order to better serve Customers or earn a bonus (in order to take that Mediterranean cruise). Your goal is to complete the reorganization so that Customers will be happier, productivity can be improved and people can get settled into their new jobs quickly (so the lives of those you lead can become more normal again).
There may be many "reasons why" for any goal you set. You must know them, you must remind yourself of them, and you must recognize that all "whys" aren`t created equally. Notice how powerful and personal the above ones in parentheses are? Those are the why`s that will keep you moving forward towards your goals when you are frustrated, tired or discouraged.
Keep your whys clear, and if you are leading others, find ways to keep the whys clear and top of mind for them too.
We can achieve much more and achieve faster when we have a clear and compelling reason why.
2. Take Daily Action
I really can`t say it any clearer than this. If you want to accelerate your progress towards your goals, you simply must take more of the actions required to reach those goals. Take at least one tangible action towards the ultimate goal every day. Cleaning your desk or organizing your files doesn`t count. If you need to do these types of things, great, but that isn`t progress towards your goal (unless your goal is a consistently clean office). Forget the busy work, and get to work. One task every day.
Want to move even faster? Take more action! Do two or three tasks every day. Make them tangible and directly related to the goals. As you take action, and see progress and have success, you create more energy. The greater energy you create allows you to take more action and have more success.
This virtuous cycle is a major key to accelerating your progress towards your goals.
Want to reach your goal faster? Take action today, and every day. Start now.
3. Learn Something
There is a complete and direct linkage between goals and learning. The achievement of every goal requires learning. If you already knew everything required, chances are a goal wouldn`t be needed. In fact there are two major components to the achievement of your goals - action (which we just talked about) and learning (which we`re talking about now).
When you choose to learn things required for achieving your goals, you create:
* New abilities and skills you need for success.
* New insights or mindsets that create success.
* New information that causes you to be inspired and creates energy.
All of these things create speed in goal achievement.
When you combine steps two and three you have even faster achievement. Note: One of your daily tasks could be to learn something. This is a great daily action. But be forewarned, learning something every day, by itself, isn`t enough.
Learning is a cornerstone to goal achievement, so as you learn more you accelerate your progress.
4. Get Help
There is no such thing as a self made man (or woman). We all need help and support to reach our goals, if even indirectly. Even if you could reach your goals completely alone, why would you want to? Get your ego out of the equation and you will speed up your progress. Other people can provide:
* Support
* A pair of hands to help
* Knowledge
* Experience
* A referral
* Encouragement
* And a thousand other things.
There is no need to go it alone, to do so is silly and non-productive.
To reach your goals faster, get help and build a team.
These four steps will help you reach any goal faster. They also will help you as a leader in helping teams and individuals do the same.
Start today by looking at any current goal you would like to achieve faster, then put these ideas in place. Rest assured your future success will come much faster than if you don`t.
Potential Pointer: If you want to accelerate progress towards your goals, remain clear on why you want to reach the goal, take daily action towards it, continue to learn things that support your goal and enlist the help and support of others. When you take these four steps, you are on your way to greater success sooner!
If you have neither, this article isn`t really for you. But if either of the first two things is true for you then this article is absolutely for you; because if you have goals, I`m guessing you`d like to reach them faster.
The sole purpose of setting a goal is reaching the goal, and in most instances, getting to the goal faster would be a good thing! It doesn`t matter if you are behind on your goal plan (or the deadline is coming up quickly), if you are overwhelmed by the amount you have to do, or whatever your reason is for wanting to "pick up the pace", the four actions that follow will accelerate your progress and move you towards your goals faster.
1. Remind Yourself Why
You set the goal for a reason. There is some purpose or series of benefits that will come to you when the goal is reached. You know what these reasons are, right? If you don`t, stop here and determine them before you do anything else.
Here are some examples.
Your goal is to lose weight so you will have more energy, feel better about yourself or attract a mate (or wow them at your class reunion). Your goal is to complete the project on time in order to better serve Customers or earn a bonus (in order to take that Mediterranean cruise). Your goal is to complete the reorganization so that Customers will be happier, productivity can be improved and people can get settled into their new jobs quickly (so the lives of those you lead can become more normal again).
There may be many "reasons why" for any goal you set. You must know them, you must remind yourself of them, and you must recognize that all "whys" aren`t created equally. Notice how powerful and personal the above ones in parentheses are? Those are the why`s that will keep you moving forward towards your goals when you are frustrated, tired or discouraged.
Keep your whys clear, and if you are leading others, find ways to keep the whys clear and top of mind for them too.
We can achieve much more and achieve faster when we have a clear and compelling reason why.
2. Take Daily Action
I really can`t say it any clearer than this. If you want to accelerate your progress towards your goals, you simply must take more of the actions required to reach those goals. Take at least one tangible action towards the ultimate goal every day. Cleaning your desk or organizing your files doesn`t count. If you need to do these types of things, great, but that isn`t progress towards your goal (unless your goal is a consistently clean office). Forget the busy work, and get to work. One task every day.
Want to move even faster? Take more action! Do two or three tasks every day. Make them tangible and directly related to the goals. As you take action, and see progress and have success, you create more energy. The greater energy you create allows you to take more action and have more success.
This virtuous cycle is a major key to accelerating your progress towards your goals.
Want to reach your goal faster? Take action today, and every day. Start now.
3. Learn Something
There is a complete and direct linkage between goals and learning. The achievement of every goal requires learning. If you already knew everything required, chances are a goal wouldn`t be needed. In fact there are two major components to the achievement of your goals - action (which we just talked about) and learning (which we`re talking about now).
When you choose to learn things required for achieving your goals, you create:
* New abilities and skills you need for success.
* New insights or mindsets that create success.
* New information that causes you to be inspired and creates energy.
All of these things create speed in goal achievement.
When you combine steps two and three you have even faster achievement. Note: One of your daily tasks could be to learn something. This is a great daily action. But be forewarned, learning something every day, by itself, isn`t enough.
Learning is a cornerstone to goal achievement, so as you learn more you accelerate your progress.
4. Get Help
There is no such thing as a self made man (or woman). We all need help and support to reach our goals, if even indirectly. Even if you could reach your goals completely alone, why would you want to? Get your ego out of the equation and you will speed up your progress. Other people can provide:
* Support
* A pair of hands to help
* Knowledge
* Experience
* A referral
* Encouragement
* And a thousand other things.
There is no need to go it alone, to do so is silly and non-productive.
To reach your goals faster, get help and build a team.
These four steps will help you reach any goal faster. They also will help you as a leader in helping teams and individuals do the same.
Start today by looking at any current goal you would like to achieve faster, then put these ideas in place. Rest assured your future success will come much faster than if you don`t.
Potential Pointer: If you want to accelerate progress towards your goals, remain clear on why you want to reach the goal, take daily action towards it, continue to learn things that support your goal and enlist the help and support of others. When you take these four steps, you are on your way to greater success sooner!
[Source:, by Kevin Eikenberry]
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