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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Habit Is as Habit Does

Let's begin with the painfully obvious truth:
  • Successful people have successful habits.
  • Losers in life have loser habits.
  • Habits are behavior, and behavior never lies.
  • Your habits determine you're your past, present and your future.
  • If you want change in your life, you must change your habits.
Let's do a simple fill in the blank exercise to determine how well your current habits are serving you.

Here's a health related example with two possible answers:
  • My health, exercise and eating habits have... turned me into a firm, energetic and unstoppable powerhouse.
  • My health, exercise and eating habits have... turned me into a flabby, lethargic and unmotivated person.
Now, take a few moments to answer these questions regarding your habits.
  1. My savings and spending habits have...
  2. My sales and marketing habits have...
  3. My relationship habits have...
  4. My parenting habits have...
  5. My time management habits have...
  6. My demonstrated leadership habits have...
  7. My communication habits have...
  8. My work habits have...
So, how did you do? Are your habits helping or hurting your performance?

The one true path to success and happiness in life is to change your behavior by replacing your bad habits with positive habits that move you in the direction that you want.

It's easy for me to say that if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting, so change your behavior.

And that's exactly what I'm going to tell you to do-just change!

I want you to look at your results year to date, right now-- today and determine what habits you must change in order to secure a better tomorrow.

Don't procrastinate as that's a destructive habit that is definitely not worth repeating as it bears no desirable fruit and most likely will lead to regret and missed opportunity.

Everything Counts!

[source:, by Gary Ryan Blair]

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