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Thursday, December 17, 2009

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Personal Story with an Olympic Gold Medal Winner

American wrestler Rulon Gardner defeated Alexander Karelin (the greatest Russian wrestler of all time) in the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympic Games. It’s gone down in history as the “Miracle on the Mat.” At the time of this Olympic match, Karelin had NEVER lost a wrestling match in 13 years… and for six straight years the Russian “Karelin” hadn’t even given up a single point!

This is unheard of in wrestling. Just think of that…six years without giving up a SINGLE POINT in any match!

It was one of the greatest upsets in Olympic history, especially when you consider that Rulon was raised in humble beginnings on a Wyoming farm, one of 9 children. (he happens to now live near our “Land Office” during part of the year).

Anyway, I first met Rulon last summer because of a charity we are both passionate about. The charity invited us in to do some filming in a studio, because they wanted to post some stuff to their website.

I’ll never forget this day for one special moment that took place.

You see, a producer guy had written out some lines for us to say via teleprompter into the camera. And I’ll never forget when it was Rulon’s turn in front of the camera.

After like 14 takes, he still couldn’t read the first sentence. People in the studio were kind of looking around, fidgeting and pretending not to notice. And then finally Rulon yelled “cut”! He said, “That sentence just comes off as too negative…I don’t like anything with the word “can’t” in it…can we please change this sentence to read more positive?”

(the opening sentence written for Rulon had the word “can’t” in it)

How do you argue with a 300 lb. man in the room with a gold medal around his neck? You don’t! And as soon as the teleprompter dude changed the sentence, Rulon read the more positive version in one take, and just smiled all the way through it.

You could feel this good vibe just dance around that studio room. It happened to give me a case of the goose-bumps - & I could tell it did to everyone else.

I'm not a "walk on hot coals" kind of guy. But I will say this. There is an energy that halos around an Olympic gold medal, and the person wearing it. If you've ever been around one, you know what I'm talking about!

After filming, I got a chance to hang with Rulon and I asked him about that match in Sydney. He told me that for months leading up to the Olympics, he never allowed a negative thought to once enter his head, not one. And as I sat there staring at his gold medal he went on to say we can do and be whatever we want in life. And that the only reason he beat Karelin was because he never had one negative thing cross his mind.

I just got the goosebumps again about this whole experience, just thinking about it and writing this to you!

Anyway – I just wanted to share this encounter with you – it's personal and special to me. And it’s still fresh in my mind and it’s a clear reminder of how much we’re capable of.

We all have a “Karelin” in our path that looks impossible to beat. But if you relentlessly remain positive – you can do the “impossible”. The only person holding you back is you!

Remember this, the next time you run up against a wall or the next time you think something is impossible.

If the guy who has the gold medal around his neck can't even say the word "can't" -- how should you be thinking and talking to yourself about what you want to overcome?

I've got some pics of this right here:

I hope you enjoy them a lot. And I hope this finds you well!

Until next time,
Preston James

[Source:, Traders Edge Network]

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