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Friday, October 30, 2009

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How Do You Attract Opportunity Into Your Life?


Someone recently asked me the question: "How can I have more opportunities come into my life?" Good question, but I think my answer surprised them a bit.

I bypassed the obvious (and necessary) points about hard work, persistence and preparation. They actually were very hard workers. And they had the great attribute of being seekers, they were on the outlook. But I felt maybe they were missing this next and most valuable point - attraction.

I always thought opportunities and success were something you went after, then I found out that I needed to turn it around. Opportunities and success are not something you go after necessarily, but something you attract - by becoming an attractive person.

That's why I teach development of skills. If you can develop your skills, keep refining all the parts of your character and yourself, your health, your relationships, etc. so that you become an attractive person to the marketplace - you'll attract opportunity.

Opportunity will probably seek you out. Your reputation will probably precede you and someone will want to do business with you. All of the possibilities are there by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract.

The key is to continue making yourself a more attractive person by the skills you have, the disciplines you have, the personality you've acquired, the character and reputation you have established, the language and speech you use

Personal development - the never-ending chance to improve not only yourself, but also to attract opportunities and affect others.

To Your Success,

Live a Beautiful Life

[Source:, by Jim Rohn]


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Friday, October 23, 2009

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It's A Beautiful Day!


You hear other people say it and you've probably said it 1,000 times or more. "Life's too short."

What better reason to take each and every day and live it out loud. Now, I hear this sentiment once in a while but rarely is it put in such a way where the message doesn't sound like a commercial for Mountain Dew.

What a gift life is. Another day. Wow.

Think about it. You are the sum total of all your days up until now. Every day has gone into creating you. When you're 70, 80, 90 what a horrible shame it would be if you were to look back and think, "I didn't do so many things I wanted to do. I was mad or scared half the time."

Use today to get where you want to go.

Maybe you're behind your pre-determined schedule. Perhaps you wanted to do more by now than you have.

That's not a problem.

You've got today. How lucky you are...

Don't even think about putting it off 'til tomorrow. Even if there's no place to go or big goal you can work on today, you can do something else.

Look around. Things may be bustling, pushing, moving at cyber speed. But you can be alone in your thoughts and see whatever you want. That mountain is there just for you.

"Awesome." Your mother's voice. Beautiful. You may never hear it again. Your kids. Precious. Your friends. They love you. Enjoy it.

Is there crap? Huge difficult challenges? Sure, but you can learn from it. That's good, right? Just notice the good stuff right now.

What could possibly make today great? A bunch of stuff. And don't think that playing or lounging is the only way to celebrate your day. What can you do?

* Do your best at work - Make today your crowning achievement.

* Recognize someone else - Put a smile on some faces.

* Find out about someone else - Someone on your "team." Be genuine.

* Take some time off if you need to - There might be some roses that need smelling.

* Call someone you haven't talked to in a while. Or pay 'em a visit.

* Meditate - With no goal in mind. Just notice your thoughts.

* Look in the mirror - You're a pretty cool person. Recognize it. It's true.

* Read a chapter - learning is your ticket to where ever you want to go.

* Look at your victory log - And do something today to add to it.

* Laugh - at yourself, others, cartoons, TV shows, commercials. Just laugh.

And I'm sure that you can think of more stuff. The important point is...

Today is a beautiful day.

But if your perspective is screwed up, you won't see it. Review the list above and add to it if you like. Review it regularly and your view will change. Guaranteed.

Don't make feeling good so hard. It's not. You don't have to be at Disney World to have a good day.

Today is God's gift to you. Appreciate the gift no matter what it is that you find yourself involved in. It was given in love.

Accept it with love.

[Source:, by Mike Brescia]


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Friday, October 16, 2009

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He Made Him Captain


One of my best friends coached a group of 13 year old boys in soccer a while back. He saw some leadership potential in one of the boys but he also saw some disturbing qualities. My friend approached the boy and told him that he thought he could be captain of the team but he wanted to see changes in some of his behaviors.

Almost overnight, the boy stopped his whining and complaining. He became responsible and an effective leader. Today, he is the captain of the soccer team and parents who have known this kid for years are asking my friend what he did to transform him.

My friend didn't do anything other than tell someone that he believed in him and thought he could do better. When was the last time you told someone that you believed in them? You can criticize until the cows come home.

However, if you want to see lasting change... find the positives in a person and reinforce those. When you do those qualities will grow and overshadow the less desirable qualities. For an overnight transformation... find positives and make them captain!

[Source:, by Ron White]


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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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From the Inside Out


There is probably nothing more powerful in beginning a conversation or transaction, or in overcoming an interpersonal challenge, than a smile. A warm, genuine, sincere smile that emanates from your heart (from the inside out).

95 percent of the troubles we encounter with others could most likely be resolved peacefully but for a smile, followed by genuine concern for the other's needs. The fact that most people don't do this will only make it easier for you to put yourself ahead in the game when it comes to persuading others to take your side of an issue.

When you must speak with someone's supervisor about a particular challenge, your smile will bring down his or her walls of resistance, and set the tone for a pleasant, win/win discussion and positive result.

One main reason is that you've just separated yourself from practically everyone else whose greeting is a defensive, angry, or intimidating word or look.

In his book, "Working With Emotional Intelligence", Daniel Goleman writes, "It happens that smiles are the most contagious emotional signal of all, having an almost irresistible power to make other people smile in return." Isn't that so true? In fact, read any good book on people skills and there will be at least a mention of the power of
a smile.

John Mason, author of "Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop", writes, "One of the single most powerful things you can do to influence others is to smile at them." Very true! Dale Carnegie devoted an entire segment of his awesome book, "How to Win Friends & Influence People", to this single fact.

Don't feel badly if this does not come naturally for you. For some, it takes practice. Fortunately, it's very easy to learn how to smile effectively. If necessary, simply imagine something that truly brings you joy and think of that before you need to smile. After a few practice sessions, you'll be able to bring forth that smile naturally, "from the inside out."

It seems very few people smile without a particular reason. But that doesn't have to include you. Get that smile on your face before you deal with anyone; the service person, government bureaucrat, your boss, the waitperson, your spouse and children; everyone. Get yourself ready for that person to like you and smile back at you!

I employ this simple action all the time and everyday with incredible results and I know others who regularly do the same. They quite often get waited on or helped at a crowded
desk first, just because the person sees them with that smile.

This week, while feeling grateful for all your blessings, let those blessings bring a smile to your face. A smile "from the inside out."

[Source:, by Bob Burg]


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Friday, October 2, 2009

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The Right Mental Attitude


An old Ann Landers column contains some excellent advice from one of her readers. This lady said that at one time she assumed that a wealthy woman whom she only knew slightly was an arrogant snob because she rarely spoke and never smiled.

She also had the feeling that the woman in the supermarket with the whining children was a lousy mother. "Then," she said, "one day I stood in line at the grocery store. I noticed that the clerk never smiled at the customers and ignored light conversation."

She said, "I was tempted to tell her what I thought of her sour attitude when the elderly woman in front of me took a different approach. She said, 'Honey, you look like you're having a bad day.'

The clerk looked up with the saddest eyes I've ever seen and said, 'My husband lost his job yesterday and I just found out I am pregnant.' The lady patted her hand and said,
'Dear, things will work out.'

"When it was my turn," she said, "the clerk had tears in her eyes, but she smiled, and I felt ashamed of myself for being so intolerant." Then the lesson she teaches is significant. She said, "That instant made me realize that people usually aren't rude because they're mean and want to make my life miserable.

They are unpleasant because they have problems on their mind and a heavy heart. My entire outlook changed that day, and I am now much more compassionate." She said, "I now assume the frowning woman might be worried about the results of a biopsy.

The rude young driver could be on his way to the emergency room to meet an injured relative, and the distracted mother with the screaming child in the supermarket may need my smile and a kind word.

Perhaps the only one she will get all day." This reader said, "This change in my attitude has made those around me happier, but the greatest benefit is mine. I am less angry and more serene, and I like myself better than I used to."

I can certainly relate to what this dear lady said. A few years ago when I was doing an early-morning seminar, I greeted the young woman who was guarding the backstage door with a cheerful "Good morning, how are you doing?" She said, "I'm not doing well. I hate to be here." I confidently, cheerfully and arrogantly said to her, "Well, think about it
this way.

There are some people who don't have any kind of job doing any thing, so maybe you'll feel better with that thought." The young woman looked at me and said, "Look, I'm not ready for any of your 'positive thinking.' I'm having an extremely tough time."

As I walked away I thought to myself, "Boy! What a lousy attitude!" However, as I pondered it during the next few minutes I realized that what she needed was some empathy, somebody to say, "Is there anything I can do?" or, "I'm sorry things are not going your way."

I went back at my earliest possible moment to apologize to the young woman. Unfortunately, she was gone. That's one of the reasons today I talk a great deal more about the right attitude in addition to having a positive attitude.

In that particular incident, my relationship with that young woman, and the possibility of giving her any real encouragement later, was destroyed because I was so intent on saying what I had to say and not really empathetic to her problem.

Relationships are built on putting yourself in the other person's position and trying to relate; as the old Indian adage says, "You won't know another person until you've walked in his moccasins at least one day."

Try to imagine how he or she must feel, and you will be able to deal with them more effectively and get along with them far better - and feel better about yourself in the process.

[Source:, by Zig Ziglar]


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