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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

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On Competition

Why don't more people build powerful partnerships today? Doesn't it make sense that you leverage your power when you build partnerships with supportive, powerful people? And that you increase your success, while minimizing the effort it takes to achieve what you want?

I believe that part of the answer is that we are conditioned to compete with one another.

One of the most striking facts that my research revealed is that truly successful people never compete. The reason successful people avoid competition is that when you compete, you limit yourself and restrict your ability to create.

Consider the kinds of thoughts that must be created for competition. You must:
  1. Compare yourself to your "adversary," and think that someone will win and the other must lose.
  2. Believe that there is a limited supply of goodness and success.
Both of these thoughts are in error, and completely out of alignment with the Super Laws. Your success, or lack of it, comes directly from your own thoughts, feelings and actions.

Other people have no power to keep you from your good. So the only real competition you will ever have in life is the competition between the positive thoughts of your disciplined mind and the negative thoughts of your undisciplined mind.

You are only in competition with yourself.

If you must have an adversary, let that adversary be lack of understanding. That is the only thing that will slow your success.

Resolve this week to more fully discipline your mind, to focus your will power, to keep your eyes on "the prize" you want to create to the exclusion of everything else!

To your continued wealth and happiness,

Live a Beautiful Life

[Source:, by James Arthur Ray]

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