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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

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The Dangers of Being Off Balance

It's easy to get out of balance during particularly hectic times such as the current holidays. Being off balance can be exhilarating if it's just for a few moments such as when you're falling in love, receiving an honor or recognition or simply enjoying a real roller coaster or carnival ride.

Being off balance longer than that, however, can be dangerous to our relationships, our physical beings or our careers. The best way to gain and retain a sense of balance is by setting goals and sticking to your plan.

Having a set of goals to refer to regularly will help keep your feet planted on the ground and give your mind a focal point to bring you back to earth when something sidetracks you (either something good or something bad).

A well-lived life is a balancing act. If you're out of balance, it will show in your demeanor. You won't handle personal or business situations as best you can and that will eventually have a negative affect on your bottom line and the level of enjoyment you have in your everyday life.

Don't risk the detriment of being out of balance long term. Take a few moments each day to consider what might be pulling you off the course you've set for yourself. Then, schedule (and take) the actions necessary to even things out.

[Source:, Tom Hopkins International]

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