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Friday, July 31, 2009

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Evaluating Your Goals


In a sporting event, the players are given a break at the half in order to refresh themselves, look at how they played in the first half, and set strategy for the second half. So as you approach halftime, here are some thoughts.

Do you have a vacation planned in the next two months that will give you the needed break and refreshment? If not, schedule one this week! How did you "play" in the first half of this year?

Have you met your goals that you established at the beginning of the year? Here are a few ideas to evaluate where you are at with your goals as you approach the halfway mark.

Take some time to sit down alone and review your goals. How many are you on mark to make? How many have you not even begun on? How many have you achieved?

For those you haven't even begun, my suggestion would be to reset your goal at 10 percent of the original goal. Obviously this goal hasn't been a priority, for whatever reason, and most likely won't suddenly become so. But you can make some ground. Set a small increase for the remaining six months and get ahead a little in these areas.

For the goals you are on pace to achieve, try to stretch about 10 percent. So, to give it a numerical value, if your original goal was 10 and you have already reached 5 after halfway, stretch yourself to try to achieve 11 by the end of the year. This will give you a good reason to kick into high gear as the year progresses.

For those goals you are on pace to break strongly through, try an increase of 50 percent.

And finally, for the goals you have already reached, try to set the new goal at 100 percent of the original goal.

In all of these remember that it is better to try hard, and even fail at a higher goal, than to take the easy route and attain nothing at all!

Best of luck as you re-evaluate your goals!

You Are Made for Success!

[Source:, by Chris Widener]


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Saturday, July 25, 2009

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How to Improve Productivity: All Tasks Are Not Created Equal


If there's one thing you must grasp if you wish to experience an increase in productivity and a strong sense of achievement day to day it's the concept that not every task is created equal.

This is especially true when it comes to those things which when completed will lead to a greater sense of accomplishment & feeling of success and achievement.

Far too many people look at having completed the items on their To Do lists as a sure sign that they're achieving at a great level.

The problem with this line of thinking is that in many cases the items which make it onto our lists are little more than busy work -- items which do require attention, but in the grand scheme of things having completed them doesn't serve us in a greater capacity with respect to our larger, more important goals -- the big things that when completed actually move us closer to our grand vision -- the one we hold for our lives, whether personal or professional.

The challenge is that while you may feel like you're making progress, because after all, you are checking items off during the day -- if you're not taking a careful inventory and ensuring that the things you are working on in the first place will yield your greatest R.O.I.O.T (return on investment of time) then it's likely that you will end up feeling as though the larger life plans you hold for yourself aren't making any headway.

Which by the way you would be correct, they aren't, not because you aren't working, but because you're not working and putting forth the necessary effort into the specific task needed to yield the exact true result you are after.

That's why I say, all tasks aren't created equal. Commit this to memory -- and always be asking the question "If I work on this task, when completed will it yield the greatest overall result and sense of accomplishment for me.

Will having achieved it move me closer to my larger plan?
" If the answer you get back is anything but a resounding yes then you need to reschedule what it is you're planning to work on and replace it with a task that will yield you the greatest return on investment of time (R.O.I.O.T). It's that simple.

You and I have a choice as to what we give our time to. We don't have a choice as to how much time we have. No matter how hard we try we're not going to be able to squeeze anymore than 24 hours out of our day. The good news is you don't even have to try IF you'll grasp and put into practice the ongoing habit of asking the question mentioned above, and working on those items which when completed will yield the greatest results.

To clarify here's a make believe To Do list item -- I've made reference to an example which will serve you the best and one which might be more in line with "busy work", which may make you feel good to get them done, but in the grand scheme of things won't serve you had you instead chosen to spend your time on other things.

Example item that might appear on your To Do list...

* Vacuuming the house - while this can certainly be a worthwhile undertaking, is it really as important say if you're larger goal was to "increase your sales for the month"?

No of course it isn't.

A far more effective use of your time would be to schedule this as a lower priority item, or find a way to have someone else do it for you if that's a possibility. While it may feel nice to complete this task, it's not going to yield the same result if you were to replace this task with one such as "give a follow-up call to the people I met at the seminar I attended who showed an interest in my product or service".

As you can see the latter is going to move you closer to what you've identified as your most important goals. Plus, once you've completed the tasks which will have the greatest return on your investment of time then you can go ahead and knock out the other things.

The key thing to remember is that you've got to be vigilant in working on and first completing those items which will give you the greatest return on your time spent.

[Source:, by Josh Hinds]


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Saturday, July 18, 2009

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The Best Gift to Give Yourself and Others


I'm often asked the question, "How can I best help my children, spouse, family member, staff member, friend etc. improve/change?" In fact that might be the most frequently asked question I receive, "How can I help change someone else?"

My answer often comes as a surprise and here it is. The key to helping others is to help yourself first. In other words, the best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development.

If I become 10 times wiser, 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for my adventure as a father... as a grandfather... as a business colleague.

The best gift I can give to you, really, is my ongoing personal development. Getting better, getting stronger, becoming wiser. I think parents should pick this valuable philosophy up.

If the parents are okay, the kids have an excellent chance of being okay. Work on your personal development as parents; that's the best gift you can give to your children.

If you have ever ridden in an airplane, then you might have noticed the oxygen compartment located above every seat. There are explicit instructions that say "In case of an emergency, first secure your own oxygen mask and then if you have children with you then secure their masks."

Take care of yourself first... then assist your children. If we use that same philosophy throughout our whole parental life, it would be so valuable.

If I learn to create happiness for myself, my children now have an excellent chance to be happy. If I create a unique lifestyle for myself and my spouse, that will be a great example to serve my children.

Self-development enables you to serve, to be more valuable to those around you; for your child... your business... your colleague... your community... your church.

That's why I teach development skills. If you keep refining all the parts of your character, yourself, your health, etc. so that you become an attractive person to the marketplace - you'll attract opportunity. Opportunity will then begin to seek you out.

Your reputation will begin to precede you and people will want to do business with you. All of that possibility is created by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract by continually working on your own personal development.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn



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Sunday, July 12, 2009

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8 Secrets of Sucess, a Continuous Journey


by Richard St. John

So, what leads to success?

1. Passion - for Love, not Money
2. Hard Work - Fun
3. Good - Practice, practice, practice
4. Focus - on one thing
5. Push - Shyness, Self-doubt
6. Serve - others of value
7. Ideas - Listen, Observe, be Curious, Problem Solve, make Connection
8. Persist - number one reason for success

Watch the Video:

Why do so many people reach success and then fail?

  • One way street, then sit back to their comfort zone
  • It should be a continuous journey!

"Money can't buy happiness"

Watch the video for more details:


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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

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Beautiful Words of Wisdom on Life with Beautiful Paris on Background


by Gabriel García Márquez

“If for an instant God forgot that I am just a puppet, and He gave me one more piece of life, I would take advantage of that time, the best I could.”

I would probably not say everything I think, but definitely think all I say.

I would value things not for what they are worth, but for what they represent.

I would sleep less and dream more. For every minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light.

I would continue where others have stopped and I would rise when others sleep.

If God allowed me one more piece of life, I would dress simpler, would wallow in the sunlight, leaving uncovered, not only my body but also my soul.

I would prove to men how wrong they are to think that they stop falling in love as they get older, since they actually start getting older as soon as they stop falling in love..

I would give wings to the children, but I would leave the child alone so that he could learn how to fly on his own.

To the old, I would show them how death comes not with the ageing process but with forgetting.

So many things I have learned from you….I have learned that everybody wants to live at the top of the mountain, forgetting that is how we climb is all that matters.

I have learned that when a newborn grabs his father’s thumb, he takes a hold on him forever.

I have learned that a man has the right to look down on somebody, only when he is helping him to get up.

So many things I have learned from all of you.

Always tell, what you feel and do what you think.

If I knew that today it would be the last time that I will see you, I will embrace you strongly to be the guardian of your soul.

If I would know that these would be the last minutes that I will see you, I would say to you “I love you” and wouldn´t assume that you would know it.

There is always morning where life gives us another opportunity to make things good.

Keep always close to you, your dear ones, and tell them how much you need them and love and take care of them. Take time to say, “I am sorry”, “forgive me”, “please,” “thank you” and all the nice and lovely words you know.

Nobody would remember you if you keep your thoughts secret.
Force yourself to express them.

Show your friends and dear ones how much you care about them.

Download the full power point version at Gabriel García Márquez

To Your Happiness,

Live a Beautiful Life


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