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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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Moving Beyond towards Living a Beautiful Life


Moving Beyond - The Universe is Inviting You In
In observing people who are fresh out of relationships, I often hear phrases like "I'm moving on" used frequently. Soon after comes the overwhelming need to show the other person how much you've moved on.

It then dawned on me that moving on is not an act or expression; it just is. It's something that resonates so deeply within you that it doesn't matter what others think, or even if they know.

When it comes to pursuing your dreams, I'm learning that there are many obstacles that we must move beyond to fulfill them. These obstacles surface internally as well as externally.

The internal barriers are the self limiting beliefs that we must all face when contemplating the pursuit of a dream. These are the limitations that must be faced head on if you'll ever give yourself permission to be the unique you.

The external obstacles are the opinions of others which are in place to keep you in the box they've created for you.

One way to move beyond is to simply entertain the possibility of you actually becoming the person who you see in your vivid destiny pictures. I don't know how many times I've heard wives tell stories about how they had no initial attraction to their eventual husbands.

In many cases, they couldn't foresee in a million years that they would marry the man who gave her a new last name. The wives often tell of how the guy never gave up and how that led to them entertaining the idea of a relationship.

The perception of the guy changed the more the woman entertained him, and they ended up at the alter which was the original intent of the guy.

If we would just entertain the possibility that we are actually the people our hearts say that we are, the mountains we perceive to be in the way of our destiny will be proven as mole hills, as the truth of our ability is revealed.

In essence, the more you entertain your destiny the more realistic it becomes. The only thing separating you from it is the illusion that it is beyond your grasp.

As you begin to see that your dreams aren't as far out there as you once perceived them to be, thoughts of possibility will replace those of inability.

Once you truly believe that your dreams are possible, that's when you will begin to take active measures to make them a reality. It's human nature to only expend energy towards what we deem as being possible.

Entertaining the thought of your dreams is one of the most life-altering acts you could ever perform. When standing outside the door of your destiny, if dialogue persists long enough, it's only a matter of time before it is opened.

[Source:, by Matthew C. Horne]

Last note from writer: In every challenge you face, just keep moving on from any disappointments, solve it at your best and let the universe does the rest for you.. Tell it to yourself that you're gonna live your beautiful life from now on!


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Friday, April 24, 2009

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Open the Door, Lose the Attitude, Let the Sunshine In


There are two types of people in this world - those who think of all the great ways to get from where they are to where they want to be and those who do something about getting from where they are to that ideal place.

All too often we sit and simply complain about the state of our affairs in our lives: 'Nothing is going my way', 'The boss doesn't like me', 'My job stinks', 'I work too hard and no-one notices', 'I wish my work was appreciated', 'No-one loves me', 'If I only had the money', I wish I had the chance to do something like that', 'It's alright for you. You had a good upbringing'. The complaints and excuses seem to come faster than the self pity.

Believe it or not, the solution is a simple one. Turn the tables and instead of constantly complaining about what you think is not going well - and many things might not be as you wish them at the moment - think about what IS going well in your life and begin to overshadow the negative energy with lots of positive vibes.

That could be something as small as a green traffic light, a parking space, a seat on the bus or smile from a stranger. If you stop and think for just a moment, the list is endless.

Once you begin to focus on the positives, the negatives start to literally disappear. When you open the door and allow the sunshine into your life, the darkness will begin to fade. I've been there and I can tell you from personal
experience, there is nothing more positive than optimistic energy.

Get out of bed with a spring and smile. Know deep inside you'll enjoy the day, in spite of what you may confront. Everything might not go well. There could be challenges and obstacles, but if you take the view that life is fantastic
and a real blessing in spite of what negative forces you may confront, you are beginning the process of inviting love, light, energy, gratitude, joy and happiness into your existence.

When you understand the power of positive energy, you will begin to harness the force within and grasp opportunities. They are all around you every day but because of the negative energy which we harvest, we cannot see the wood
(goodness) for the trees (obstacles).

Begin today to fill your life with wonderful thoughts, feelings and emotions and start to harvest the incredible benefits derived from an upbeat attitude.

The three rules of success and abundance: Believe, Believe, Believe. Once you do that, then you act. The results will truly amaze you.

[Source:, by Kieran Revell]

Lastly, the question from the writer: Have you lived your beautiful life? :)


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Friday, April 17, 2009

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How To Be Happy?


Try some new interests but don‘t force yourself.

Be healthy.
A healthy body brings you happy feelings

Have enough rest when you need it. Don’t over-exert your body.

Moderate sports make you relaxed.

Love those around you and bring happiness to them.

Greet people with a nice smile and the same will return...

Forget those things that make you unhappy and forgive those people who bring you unhappiness.

Care for your family, your friends, your job and everything around you with your heart...

Don‘t be so fastidious about your life.
Be always full of gratitude...

Enjoy your life and don‘t waste time on unnecessary worries.

Be satisfied with the happiness you have and be able to endure hardship as well. Never forget to forgive...

Devote yourself to your career but never become its slave.

Create something for yourself which is easily realized.

Spend one day at a time in different ways.

Spend a little bit of time everyday reflecting on yourself...

Look back at those things which have made you happy...

Always think positively...

Refresh yourself by creating some interesting moments.

Seize instant inspirations and make the best use of it...

Schedule your job appropriately so that you can free your time and energy...

Gather some anecdotes and jokes and share them with your friends...

Arrange a holiday which you can spend with people you like.

Watch a comedy.

Spend time with your good friends.

Give a pleasant surprise to people you love...

Soooo, have u lived your life beautifully today???
May I wish you happiness everyday… :)


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Sunday, April 12, 2009

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Warren Buffett: Advice for 2009


We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism. Our happiness is diluted and our peace is threatened by the financial illness that has infected our families, organizations and nations. Everyone is desperate to find a remedy that will cure their financial illness and help them recover their financial health. They expect the financial experts to provide them with remedies, forgetting the fact that it is these experts who created this financial mess.

Every new year, I adopt a couple of old maxims as my beacons to guide my future. This self-prescribed therapy has ensured that with each passing year, I grow wiser and not older.

This year, I invite you to tap into the financial wisdom of our elders along with me, and become financially wiser.

Hard work : All hard work bring a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Laziness : A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current.

Earnings : Never depend on a single source of income. (At least make your Investments get you second earning)

Spending : If you buy things you don't need, you'll soon sell things you need.

Savings : Don't save what is left after spending; Spend what is left after saving.

Borrowings : The borrower becomes the lender's slave.

Accounting : It's no use carrying an umbrella, if your shoes are leaking.

Auditing : Beware of little expenses; A small leak can sink a large ship.

Risk-taking : Never test the depth of the river with both feet.

(Have an alternate plan ready )

Investment : Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I'm certain that those who have already been practicing these principles remain financially healthy. I'm equally confident that those who resolve to start practicing these principles will quickly regain their financial health.

Let us become wiser and lead a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful life

[Source: Indian Express Finance]


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Monday, April 6, 2009

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How to Love a Task that You Hate?


Successful people make a habit of doing those things that unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

Let's face it. If we are going to truly excel in our life and business, than there are certain tasks that we simply must do. Many of these tasks strike us as just plain unpleasant, even painful.

Unfortunately, we are wired to avoid pain. This means that unless we change our perspective on certain Peak Performance behaviors, we will avoid them, and sabotage our own success.

On the other hand, perhaps we will do our necessary tasks, but complete them with clenched teeth, furrowed brows and irritation coursing through our bodies. That state is not very pleasant, and will seriously hurt our productivity. What happens when we need to speak in that mood? We say ugly, unproductive things!

What is the ideal solution? It's simple.
Learn to love the task that you hate.
Yes, you can. Remember, it is not the task that makes your mood. It's what you tell yourself about that task.

Now, the first time I discovered this, I was in a moment of motherhood- vexation. Since then, I've applied this strategy to my business tasks with great success too.

Here's what happened...

I was in the mini-van driving all four of my children to all kinds of different places. I felt like I had a hundred other things that I should have been doing, and I realized that I despised the thankless job of taxi-driver. As I sat there scowling and driving, I realized that I needed help.

In a still agitated voice I shouted to the kids, "What is great about car time?"
All four glanced at each other, looked confused and asked "What?"
"What is great about car time?" I asked, a little nicer. "I know I need a new attitude and I'm feeling stuck."
Soon, they came up with some benefits:
"We get where we need to go."
"We get to listen to new music on the radio."
"We get to tell you about our day."
"We get to be together."
"We get to have our gratitude parties."
And on they went.

Somehow, after each idea, I felt better.
It was true. We so rarely got to be together at home to talk and sing, and laugh. What a great opportunity we had in the car. Why did I possibly hate it so much?
From that moment on, I have loved "car time." I've loved it on long road trips when we were stuck in traffic, and I've loved it when we were just coming straight home after school.
I find treasure in having all four of my kids in such close proximity to me. When their dad is around, it's even better.

I've learned to love a task that I once hated.

Since then, I've helped myself attach pleasure to all sorts of unpleasant tasks, and the result has been what we're all after anyway - greater peace, joy, and more profit.

What is it that you need to do? What is keeping you from doing it with a smile?

I once had a staff member who made his living as a tele-marketer. He totally hated it, until he used his acting skills and started making his calls with different foreign accents. He started setting records at his company because
he was having so much fun.

At that point, he got promoted to something he truly enjoyed.

What is one success-habit that you dread, but which could make you much more successful? Only you know the answer to that.

Whatever it is, here are three empowering questions regarding that task:
1. Why is this task important?
2. What is great about this task?
3. How can I do it in a way that is enjoyable?
Take a few minutes to answer those questions. We would love to hear what you come up with.

Nothing is impossible. You can think, act, and feel like successful people do, and achieve the same results.
You're already successful.
Now, play to win.

[Source:, by Gina Parris]


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