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Friday, August 29, 2008

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Take Serious Steps Forward


Sometimes, when you put your dreams on your 'To Do' list, they may be too big and never materialize. But break these into manageable tasks and you can more easily accomplish them.

Here's an example of how to design a simple strategy or plan for a big dream. I'll call my project, 'Go On A Free Cruise To An Exotic Place Within The Next Three Months.'

I listed the ways I could make it happen. In this case, I couldn't just purchase a ticket because my project was to go on a free cruise. I chose to create a bartering relationship by booking a speech on a cruise ship in return for a free trip.

The steps to accomplish this were clear. Describe some topics about which I could speak; prepare my biography; get the name and number of several cruise ship lines. I decided not to mass-mail my proposal: I wanted the best cruise available. I committed to getting booked by Cunard Lines, which owns the luxury liner, Queen Elizabeth II.

In less than a month, I developed promotional materials, sent out a marketing package, and scheduled a date by which I intended to set sail. Before I had a chance to make a follow-up call to see if they were interested, Cunard called me. I was quickly booked to go on a Hawaiian cruise, all expenses paid for two, in exchange for presenting three twenty minute talks on how to make your dreams come true.

I'm an advocate of simplification and short-cuts. If you can find a faster way of getting something done, do it. One strategy for accomplishing something that you don't know how to do might be to learn it. Alternatively, you might hire or partner with somebody who already has that knowledge.

A crucial component of creating successful strategies is making use of the resources in all the areas of your life. Think about the people you know in the different aspects of your life; consider what's available to you in the way of technology and information. There's nothing that's not a potential resource.

Be sure you understand clearly the difference between a project and action steps. The project is the end result and the action steps are the strategies that get you there.

It's a lot easier to be in action on one component -- than on a big dream. You know that old joke, 'How do you eat an elephant?' 'One bite at a time.' This is also how you can more easily accomplish your dreams. One serious step at a time.

[Source:, by Marcia Wieder]


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Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Fortune Favors The Brave


Boldness is a necessary part of courage but it must be a boldness based on an intelligent assessment of the potential risks and rewards. The wonderful nature of boldness is that, properly directed, it builds the habit of courage in the person who practices it.

Act Boldly in Every Situation...
In my experience, any virtue translated into action leads almost invariably to positive results. This applies to integrity, persistence, courtesy, love and courage. I've always liked the advice of an old man to his grandson. "Act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid."

Take a Leap of Faith...
Perhaps the most obviously important part of courage is the courage to step out in the face of uncertainty. Every great venture in the history of man has begun with faith and a giant leap into the unknown.

General Douglas MacArthur said, "There is no security in life, only opportunity." The creed of Frederick The Great, one of history's most successful leaders was, "Audacity, audacity-always audacity."

Launch With No Guarantees...
A 12-year study of successful entrepreneurs conducted by Babson College concluded that the only thing they had in common was the willingness to launch, to step out in faith. Once they had started, they learned the lessons they needed to succeed. Many of them ending up successful in completely different businesses from where they started.

Dare To Go Forward...
Successful companies are invariably those that continue to research, develop, experiment and introduce new products and services - even during the deepest recessions.

Successful executives are those who are continually stretching themselves to move out of the comfort zone, to face the twin fears of failure and rejection and to move forward in spite of them.

Action Exercises:
Here are two ways to develop greater boldness in your work and personal life.
First, just do it! Step out in faith! If you think of some action you can take to improve your life, give it a try. You may be surprised.
Second, when in doubt, act with audacity. Audacity may get you into trouble but even more audacity will get you out. Go for it!

[Source:, by Brian Tracy]


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Sunday, August 17, 2008

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The Law Of Opposites


Have you ever paid any attention to the idea that there are "two sides to everything?" Think of how often you have heard that.

Look at your hand. It has a front and a back side. Your body has a right and a left side. The automobile or room you are in has an inside and an outside. You couldn't possibly have one without the other.

This is an orderly universe, of which you are a part. The whole universe is governed by laws.

If you have watched The Secret you heard me quote the father of the space program, the late Dr. Warner Von Braun who said the natural laws of the universe are so precise that we do not have any difficulty today building a space ship, sending a person to the moon and timing the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.

The law I am referring to today is the Law of Polarity or the Law of Opposites.

If it is a long way up to the top of a building, it must be a long way down. If it is a mile from point A to point B, it must be a mile from point B to point A. They are not only opposite, they are equal and opposite.

Everything that happens in your life today will either appear negative or positive. Keep in mind whatever happens must have a positive side to it.

A large majority of the population seems to be mentally programmed to pay attention to the negative side of life and unfortunately, ignore the positive.

Make a decision right now that, regardless of what happens today, you are going to look for the positive aspect of what's happening.

Remember... every cloud has a silver lining. Do this again tomorrow and the next day until it becomes a habit to see the positive in everything. You will feel better, you will be more productive, and you will have more friends.

[Source:, by Bob Proctor]


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Thursday, August 7, 2008

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